
NoPo has been supplying high quality single walled carbon nanotubes since 2015
Using proprietary HiPCO® process NoPo has achieved industrial scale production of nanotubes with following properties
80% - 99.9%
Purity Level
Dia 0.8+/0.2nm
High Conductivity
G/D > 40
High Dispersibility
Our Products

Purified of all metallic impurities using proprietary method specially developed for Li Ion battery applications
Battery grade SW CNT

suitable for IR sensors, electronics, biomedical application. Purity >90%
Semiconducting SW CNT

Single chiral CNT gives our electronic customers ability to control bang gap. We supply in mg quantities and rapidly scaling up. Purity >80%
Single Chiral SW CNT

High electron mobility/conductivity specially developed for electronic application. Purity >90%
Metallic SW CNT

Carbonyl/Nickel detector
"NoPo® Carbonyl Detectors, the ultimate solution for accurate and reliable measurement of Nickel and Iron Carbonyl in the presence of Carbon Monoxide with a range of 1PPB and response time of 0.2sec