HiPCO® Carbon Nanotubes have a predominantly large distribution of small diameter tubes. This gives them an ability to exhibit fluorescence.
Our partners have been carrying out experiments with this material and we are happy to share information for use by researchers worldwide
NoPo SWCNT Processing Data:
46.9 mg nanotubes + 46.9 mL 20 g/L sodium deoxycholate (DOC) in H2O → 1 mg/mL
Standard sonication parameters 40 ml (rest for stirring).
Tip sonication (1/4” tip) in ice bath ~ 1 W/mL, 45 min.
Small batch centrifugation 17 kg, 30 min.
Large batch (38.5 mL) JA-20, 18 krpm (~40 kG), 2 h.
Fluorescence Photoluminescence Emission Excitation Plots:
Diameter vs Chiral angle of NoPo HiPCO Single walled carbon nanotubes S. NoChiral AngleDiameter (nm)1(10,2)0.882(9,4)0.913(8,6)0.964(8,7)1.035(9,5)0.976(7,6)0.897(8,3)0.788(7,5)0.829(10,3)0.9310(11,1)0.9111(8,4)0.8412(6,5)0.75
Figure: Chirality vs Diameter of NoPo HiPCO material
Figure: Absorbence plots of NoPo HiPCO SWCNT
The significant absorption and emissions in the NIR and visible bands opens up new opportunities in Biological imaging experiments. The increased fluorescence will lead to better resolution.
Reach out to us to know more.